Feng Shui You Form

Please fill out this form to get started with Feng Shui You

  • Inspired to change your life? Start Here for your Feng Shui You Coaching Program Questionnaire!

    Hello and Welcome!

    I coach a new generation of women and men who are on a similar path I was on. My clients are gifted, sensitive souls who are often times frustrated that they are not doing and being more in their lives. They want to make a lot more money, be seen in a much bigger way and be of significant service to their clients.

    Take a moment to reflect on your life and bring to mind your goal of manifesting your work in the world and taking center stage and earning a lot more money.

    We all have hidden beliefs or blocks keeping us from attaining our longings in our hearts and believe me when I tell you, I was right there, feeling sad, discouraged and feeling imprisoned by my own self imposed prison walls in my life. I know that feeling better than anyone else.....and happy to say I very seldom revisit those thoughts or emotions. I see that for you, too!! Here’s what you’ll discover in the Magnetizing Your Dreams Program:

    • Implement the 6 Laws of the Universe to open up blocks and understand how you have been self-sabotaging your success!
    • Learn how to harness your feminine power at will and see how people will respond differently to you and how you will attract the kind of people to you, you have only dreamed about attracting!
    • Receive personal training in meditation and powerful grounding techniques to keep you on track and focused on your amazing life!
    • You will have homework assignments (on all the above) each week to instill what you are learning and monitor your progress!
    Give your dreams for your future the opportunity they deserve to take root, grow and emerge into your life.

    Here’s to your BEST life!

    I look forward to hearing from you!!

    With Much Love,
  • I offer Private Coaching and Group Coaching.

    Submit this questionnaire and I’ll respond to you by phone or email. I’ll explain how the Coaching Programs work and I’ll go over my fees.
  • You want to get started now?

    Call me at (480) 241-5805 or email me at [email protected] to discuss your questions and to set up an appointment.
  • Before answering the following questions, take a moment to get centered…..take 3 deep breaths and go deeper within yourself to answer from a place of clarity.

  • - this area of your life has to do with your physical health (body), and your family.
  • - this area of your life has to do with the ease or dis-ease of how money is flowing into your life.
  • - this area of your life has to do with how others are speaking of you in the community, being acknowledged for a job well done and receiving recognition and praise. Are you able to speak up for yourself and shine your light brightly?
  • - this area has to do with receiving outside help from others and feeling supported in life. It also has to do with travel opportunities.
  • - this area has to do with bringing children into the world AND feeling productive - taking action and allowing your ideas to be birthed.
  • - this area has to do with your relationships with yourself, your significant other, and your best friends.
  • - this area relates to your work and how fulfilled and successful you feel.
  • - this area relates to your relationship with God and how well you are assimilating information you are learning.
  • There are two Coaching Programs being offered. Read below and feel which one is best for you.

  • PRIVATE COACHING: Your investment is $1,899.

    This is a 12 week program and we will meet every other week for one hour to an hour and 10 minutes depending on what you are sharing with me. We will meet on zoom or in person. Whatever is easier for you?

    You and I will pick a coaching day that is great for you - every other week. I am personally hand holding you and giving you my undivided attention. We will see each other in person, talk on the phone or connect on zoom (whatever is easier for you). This will be one hour to an hour and 10 minutes, depending on what you are sharing. You will be given homework assignments to complete. Because of the delay between meetings, we will have a 30 minute call on your regular coaching day (off week), and see how your last week was and what you are planning for the upcoming week until we meet again. This is crucial for us to connect at least once a week to keep you accountable and your momentum flowing well.
  • GROUP COACHING: Your investment is $1,197

    This is exactly the same as the Private Coaching offering above, however, instead of meeting one on one, you are on zoom.us with others on weekly calls.
  • I am looking forward to connecting with you.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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